Saturday, November 1, 2014

I Am The One Who Blogs, Bitch

Well, it finally happened to me.  I started watching Breaking Bad and I can't stop.  I never ever want it to end, and I'm getting really depressed because I only have 5 more episodes left.  I want to watch them all right now, but somehow I'm finding the strength to pace myself.  I'm deep in the Bad, and things are so freaking complicated. Sorry to all you suckers who watched it in real time, cause me, Walt, Jesse and my husband have a real thing going on right now and there's no going back.

(A note to future me:  Ray - don't forget how much you loved that time when nothing else mattered and all you cared about was how Walt hugged Jesse.)

So where do I start?  How do you blog about something that has taken over how you look at the world around you?  Let's start with Jesse Pinkman.  I don't know how to feel about thinking of a meth smoking drug dealer attractive, but as long as we're being honest... He's a babe.  Look-

I really appreciate Jesse.  It's like he tries to do right, but he just can't catch a break and he constantly sabotages himself.  Everything he gets close to falls apart, dies or completely blows up in his face.  I feel a common bond with the whole Murphy's Law lot in life and being totally bummed about it, and it also doesn't hurt that he has the best catch phrases on the show, yo.  I love you Jesse Pinkman, wherever you are.

And Walt.  Heisenberg.  No matter what he does or who he kills or how much meth he makes, he is always going to be a loser science teacher and that helps me appreciate how hard he works to become the heffa.  

Look at him.  He really is pretty bad-ass.  I have no idea what is going to happen to him either, but so far he is going next level.  Watching him do what he has to do and grasp his second chance to build an empire is pretty awesome.  I'm not saying what he does is great, exactly, but guy is dying from cancer but he doesn't ever stop.  It this crazy reality check that he's gonna die, I'm gonna die, everyone is gonna die.  It's just a matter of what you do with the time you have left, and a reminder that everyone is dealing with desperation in one way or another.  The difference is how you face it.  Love you too, Walt.

The only other character I really love is Walt, Jr.  He's too presh.  I could go on and on about Skylar, Hank, Marie, Saul and everyone else, but the point is I am now addicted and this is all I want to talk about forever.  Breaking Bad is so multi-layered and complex that one blog post could never do it justice.  So going forward I plan on judging people solely on how they feel about Breaking Bad.  YEAH BITCH.