Saturday, September 6, 2014

Harajuku L-O-V-E

So it's been a while since I updated this blog.  I went through a "thing" where everything I considered blogging about seemed stupid or uninteresting and why would anyone care about reading this mess, but lately I have realized that everything on the internet is kind of stupid and that's why we are all here.  So from here on out I will just be posting on about what I have been wasting my time googling and/or doing.  In the words of the late and great Joan "The Baddest Bitch" Rivers, "If you don't like it, go to another shop."  So here we go -

Lately I have been getting super into Japanese subcultures - particularly what goes on in the future town of Harajuku.  There are so many levels of crazy with this fashion world I don't even know where to start.  So lets start at the very beginning (I've heard it's a very good place to start lulz):

Harajuku is in Tokyo.  I've never been there but I am pretty confident in saying that Japan is in the future.  You know how time is just a human concept and does not exist in the grand scheme of things?  Like the idea that God created the world in 6 "days" but by our dumb human measurements that could have taken like, 1,000 years?  Well I'm thinking this concept applies to Japan.  It is on the other side of the world and they are 14 hours ahead of us.  WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING IN THAT 14 HOURS TO MAKE THIS JAPAN'S REALITY?!?!?!

So this is normal in this town.  This is all an option for how to get ready in the morning in Japan.   How old are these people?  Do you have jobs?  Is this acceptable "business casual" attire there?  I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS.  Whatever it is, I like it a lot.  I think it give a whole new meaning to the idea of "just rocking" your own individual style and look.  And it's not all clowns, homeless goth and hello kitty acid trip.  Apparently there are different categories of street style with specific looks, and they are all just as insane as you would imagine. You can find folks putting on their literal Sunday best and promenading around town.  This is the day of the week where you show everyone what you've got.  I'm not gonna do every single one because those waters run deep, but here are some choice selections:

This is the easiest one - it's Costume Play.  This is when you just dress up like your favorite fantasy characters from comics or movies or games and then acting the part.  Here is USA we have kids who do that too and they can be found in your local high school cafeteria before and after school playing Magic the Gathering.  No judging.  Just reporting the facts.  Here are some choice jewels from this selection of style:

That last one was special and I had to include it.  I wonder if he's pretending to be Sailor Moon or Minnie Mouse.  Whatever it is, let's all try to get on his level.  But look at the other ones!  How long do you think it took them to put that together?  That's dedication. Way more than the kids we have here who just put on a cape and carry a foam covered battle sword their mom made them while probably crying to herself.

This one is a personal fave of mine.  It's a mixture of Victorian style and either overly-feminine, carnival-esque or goth tones.  It's super modest with everything from stockings to parasols to petticoats to covering head to toe.  It's like future Pride and Prejudice or something equally as bad A.  It's so over the top exaggerated and odd.  It's very baby-doll ish and I am having a very hard time figuring out where these girls are getting such elaborate clothing and how old they are.  Let's put it this way, I'm getting a real Jonbenet Ramsey feel off some of them. Too soon? Not sorry.

This one blows my mind apart.   This word is roughly translated as "black face" and is trying to simulate the western California girl look.  There is fake tan, white eyes with heavy liner, orange-dyed hair, and jewels and stickers and bangles OH MY.  It has it's own subculture called YAMANBA or "mountian hag" where they have basically brown faces.  I'm just gonna give you pics.  I don't know what to even say...

This is just a taste of what Harajuku has to offer you.  I highly recommend googling "VISUAL KEI" "GYARU" and "PUNK" Harajuku fashion for more visual delights.   If anything, this has all taught me that life is too short not to try new looks.  In it's honor, I have dyed a chunk of my hair purple and painted my nails black.  That's about as far as I have the guts to take it.

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