Saturday, October 5, 2013

Don't I know You From Somewhere?

So I found myself awake at 2:00 AM a few nights ago.  I could NOT get back to sleep, and that's things got weird on the internet.  It all started when I got to googling random things like real faces of random dead people.  Before you start judging me based on how upsetting and super weird this sounds, remember there is a digital trail of bread crumbs that IS your search history.  I also watch enough true-crime based television to know that can and will be used against you the moment you slip up.   So just go along with this like it's normal behavior.  I promise it's worth it. 

Basically there's this thing that's been happening throughout history where molds are made of dead (and sometimes live) peoples faces.  These are generally the faces of famous or historically important folks.  Then there's a mold made of the face and we "normies" can forever know what that famous person looked like in real life.  A FAMOUS DEAD FACE FROZEN IN TIME.  They also did it before the golden age of photography so unidentified dead people could be identified before they started to decompose.  It makes so much sense that I am into this.  When I was a kid, I lived for everything Egyptian.  Turns out some of those mummy masks were sometimes made from molds of faces.  Does the name King Tut ring a bell??  Apparently this is his real time face... well his face minus those chola eyebrows.

So fastforward to my late 20's, and I discover death masks.  I cannot describe how cool this is. The most sad/romantical/sweet story is about L'Inconnue de la Seine, a young girl who committed suicide and her mold was so sweet and beautiful that it became the inspiration for a lot of things including CPR dummy faces.  Here is a to the wiki page.  How beautiful is it that in her death came the ability to save so many lives???  And all because of the coyness and serenity of her death mask cast.

So this is just a taste of the gold mine that is death masks.  I am just going to post a few of my favorites because I could go on forever about all these things. 

Mary Queen of Scots

Oliver Cromwell


Benjamin Franklin

John Keats (BABE ALERT)

Fun fact, apparently by examining the mask of Lincoln lead scientists to discover Lincoln had some kind of painful syndrome that would have killed him had he not gotten assassinated. 

There are so many more I want to post like Napoleon, Alfred Hitchcock, George Washington (his is a life mask), Beethoven and Tolstoy, but I will spare you and just give you some priceless links.  You're welcome. 

multiple mucosal  neuroma syndrome.mfdsfsdfdsfsdfsfdsfsdfsdfdsf
multiple mucosal  neuroma syndrome.
multiple mucosal  neuroma syndrome.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Be Still... my Eastern Heart

Ok this entry has nothing to do with things intellectual or literary, but you're gonna like this.  So, I've been going through a real "thing" lately where I'm 29 and trying to define myself spiritually.  Shocking, right?  BASICALLY that means I'm doing a lot of yoga now and buying Buddhist prayer flags while on vacation.  Stop judging me for living your dream. 

This is all to say I've really been crushing lately on George Harrison.  Not early mop top clean shaven side eye George as seen here (who is still a real babe):

No.  This is too obvious and as I said, I am looking to really cross defining lines at this stage in my quarter life crisis.  Right now I need more of this:

What do I have to do to get a guru like him?  George crosses cultural barriers and keeps it sexy.  He was totally underrated and it only makes this a better crush for the Blue Stocking woman who appreciates the unappreciated.  I mean, look at him!!! The stash, the spirit, the henna.  IT'S LIKE HE CAN SEE MY SOUL'S YEARNING AND HE WANTS ME TO REACH ENLIGHTENMENT WITH HIM.  George doesn't let his fame or status define him.  He just catches the next flight to India and plays the sitar til everything makes sense. 

I promise that at some point I'll start posting things about what I read or what makes a woman legit in the literary universe, but until then I'm pretty contented with giving you a little high-thinking eye candy to get you through those lonely nights.  Again... you're welcome

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Blue Stocking Crush #1

Let's get started with the inspiration behind the name of this blog, Mr. Osborne of Hamley Hall.  He is one of the main characters in the BBC mini-series, Wives & Daughters, and one of the main fictional loves of my life.  I have my sweet husband to thank for introducing me to this series, and if we're being honest it's one of the reasons I fell in love with him and took his name.  ANYWAY... This series has everything a Blue Stocking lives for:  British Accents, Drama, Betrayal, True Love, Wealthy Land Owning Aristocrats, and that's just the beginning!  

I'll spare you the details and cut right to the chase... Osborne Hamley is the embodiment of a perfect romantic tragedy, and he deserves a place in EVERY Blue Stocking's heart.  His character strays away from the familiar Victorian gentleman and takes things to a whole new level.  You guys... HE IS A POET WHO HAS A SECRET LOVE AFFAIR WITH A FRENCH NANNY!!!  When discussing women and literary interests, Osborne proclaims, "I stand up for blue-stockings." 

Basically Osborne trusts you with his deepest darkest secrets, and supports your right as a woman to expand your literary horizons despite Victorian expectations.  He probably wrote a poem for you while he was in Metz, where he was happiest.  Osborne does everything he does out of love and for that he will always have my blue-stocking heart.  

Just do yourself a favor and watch Wives & Daughters.  YOU'RE WELCOME!

You're gonna love me!

Welcome to Stand Up For Blue Stockings, a blog inspired by all things clever and wonderful.  I hope it's the best thing to happen to you today!