Sunday, July 14, 2013

Be Still... my Eastern Heart

Ok this entry has nothing to do with things intellectual or literary, but you're gonna like this.  So, I've been going through a real "thing" lately where I'm 29 and trying to define myself spiritually.  Shocking, right?  BASICALLY that means I'm doing a lot of yoga now and buying Buddhist prayer flags while on vacation.  Stop judging me for living your dream. 

This is all to say I've really been crushing lately on George Harrison.  Not early mop top clean shaven side eye George as seen here (who is still a real babe):

No.  This is too obvious and as I said, I am looking to really cross defining lines at this stage in my quarter life crisis.  Right now I need more of this:

What do I have to do to get a guru like him?  George crosses cultural barriers and keeps it sexy.  He was totally underrated and it only makes this a better crush for the Blue Stocking woman who appreciates the unappreciated.  I mean, look at him!!! The stash, the spirit, the henna.  IT'S LIKE HE CAN SEE MY SOUL'S YEARNING AND HE WANTS ME TO REACH ENLIGHTENMENT WITH HIM.  George doesn't let his fame or status define him.  He just catches the next flight to India and plays the sitar til everything makes sense. 

I promise that at some point I'll start posting things about what I read or what makes a woman legit in the literary universe, but until then I'm pretty contented with giving you a little high-thinking eye candy to get you through those lonely nights.  Again... you're welcome

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