Saturday, June 22, 2013

Blue Stocking Crush #1

Let's get started with the inspiration behind the name of this blog, Mr. Osborne of Hamley Hall.  He is one of the main characters in the BBC mini-series, Wives & Daughters, and one of the main fictional loves of my life.  I have my sweet husband to thank for introducing me to this series, and if we're being honest it's one of the reasons I fell in love with him and took his name.  ANYWAY... This series has everything a Blue Stocking lives for:  British Accents, Drama, Betrayal, True Love, Wealthy Land Owning Aristocrats, and that's just the beginning!  

I'll spare you the details and cut right to the chase... Osborne Hamley is the embodiment of a perfect romantic tragedy, and he deserves a place in EVERY Blue Stocking's heart.  His character strays away from the familiar Victorian gentleman and takes things to a whole new level.  You guys... HE IS A POET WHO HAS A SECRET LOVE AFFAIR WITH A FRENCH NANNY!!!  When discussing women and literary interests, Osborne proclaims, "I stand up for blue-stockings." 

Basically Osborne trusts you with his deepest darkest secrets, and supports your right as a woman to expand your literary horizons despite Victorian expectations.  He probably wrote a poem for you while he was in Metz, where he was happiest.  Osborne does everything he does out of love and for that he will always have my blue-stocking heart.  

Just do yourself a favor and watch Wives & Daughters.  YOU'RE WELCOME!

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